Tag Archives: Holds

Texas Supreme Court Holds Chiropractor Had a Duty to Disclose

In Felton v. Lovett, No. 11-0252, 2012 WL 5971207 (Tex. 2012), a patient, who suffered [...]

Texas Supreme Court Holds Failure to Use AED Did Not Waive Governmental Immunity

On June 29, 2012, the Texas Supreme Court issued an opinion in City of North [...]

The Dallas Court of Appeals Holds that a Denial of Leave to Designate a Responsible Third Party is Subject to Mandamus Relief.

The Dallas Court of Appeals recently held that a denial of leave to designate a [...]

Texas Supreme Court Holds Jury Waiver Enforceable

On March 9, 2012, the Texas Supreme Court issued its decision in In Re Frank [...]